Will I Miss the Rain?
When I was just a child, I loved the rain. It always comes around the start of the school year - starting July onwards until September. I usually sat by the window then and watched raindrops trickle by the awning. If the rain poured heavily off came my clothes and I could be seen frolicking half naked and wet with an ear to ear grin. The cold could not even bite. It was pure unadulterated fun. I always miss the fun once the rainy season ends. I cannot wait for the next season to begin.
Now that I am old and balding, do I still look forward to the rain? Time has changed so much. The rain that is comparable to manna before brings havoc to life and properties today. Has the downpour from heavens mutated? I think it has not. Unfortunately, man created a monster out of the rain. The water cycle still is there; however, a lot of side players would like to get into the action. All these have been man's misdeeds - his selfish miscalculation of nature's gift to his kind.
Will I ever miss the rain again today? I am not sure anymore. For several days, life has been so dreary and wet. Everywhere one looks, water seems to occupy all the nooks and crannies where it is not supposed to be. I don't blame the rain though. I may be even one to blame for why the rain now misbehaves. Still it retains its fascinating effect on me, but now I fully understand that it could fight back if man continues to be so self-absorbed with destroying nature and even his kind. I just hope the sun will not ever be like the rain. it is now out...at last.