Friday, February 4, 2011


Grace Under Pressure, Pride Above All Others

Despite our very tight schedule, I am very proud that my colleagues and my students have pulled it off successfully last night in our fiesta presentation. The day started quite badly. I was so pissed off when the schedule of the affair was questioned. It blew my top. My anger escalated to near unbridled rage when somebody talked back to me in a not so considerate manner. I went to the library, breathed regularly and my anger was appeased. We prepared the stage with quite a few snag and ate lunch late at 2p.m. Everything that happened in the morning was forgotten when the presentation started. The graders were adorable, the performers were superb, and the teachers...simply were so game despite all the odds crossing their ways before they were able to breeze through their dance number. It was so stressful yesterday, yet I was so proud of you all guys. Congratulations!

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