Thursday, March 5, 2009


When Young Men are Simply Boys

Curiosity, they say, kills the cat. Today, true enough, it got three of my junior students in trouble. I was walking along with my colleague-teacher to a local diner where we usually take our lunch. We always pass by a group of older Spidermen with their fighting kaka. I believe these anally fixated morons should not be there. Besides being a public place, thus a nuisance, most high school students pass there too, and the group has always been a sight worth an adventure. Our young men just did that and I was so frustrated, disappointed and angry. Three years with these guys should have been enough to have made them more prudent in making decisions.

I asked my friend-colleague for me to be with the junior class where Stevie, Willie and Scottie are. He was supposed to be with them in English Literature at 1p.m. He consented to my request. I got inside the room; I thought I hear a pin dropped. This has been the class who was once the blunt end of my childish temper blasts. They knew how angry I can be. They knew how insulting I can be. I was very happy, they remembered both well. I was not there, however, for either one of them. I planned to just give them a pep talk on the right values. I wanted to be calm with them and talk sense of what I envision them to be.

This class also takes Christian Morality under its own class adviser. It was therefore a lot easier for me to make the students understand what I intended to talk. I started with conscience. I moved to service, one of our core values and made a very specific reference to stewardship. I made them understand that being with the Spidermen, enjoying what they loved best, though revolting, goes against the moral notion of integrity of creation. Don't get me wrong! It was not my intention to be so damn preachy nor was it ever my ambition to be a man of cloth. I am more comfortable naked.

These boys were not as damn as the older Spidermen. These boys were just there out of curiosity. They have been warned not to go back and be so adventurous. Why so much of a jerk? Why so much of a dick head? Because I care for my students. I cannot bear to see them grow into the Spidermen we hate them to be. Those men with their kaka are nurturing early childhood conflicts which until today are left unresolved. Our young men are not like these older men. We teach them what is life, and that life is complex but it can be lived to its fullest.

I was frustrated, disappointed and angry today. It was because I care for my students. They became more adventurous and ventured beyond what is morally acceptable. They may be young to understand what the hell I have talked about, yet still they have to hear it. More so, to not act on it. I don't want them to go back where they have been. I don't want them to go there where they should not be. Life is just a matter of conscientious decision-making. To live life to the fullest is a matter of being a prudent judge of actions. If you have known nothing good will result out of your decisons today, then by all heart go against what you desire. Do not act based on a wrong judgment. Stevie, Willie and Scottie have been forwarned...nicely!

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